Health as the Cure

cancer cureRecently there was a story of a young woman who at 22 has been diagnosed with cancer and has begun taking chemotherapy. This a terrifying point in life and there is not anything from someone that has not been through it can really say to relate, so I will not attempt that. What can be done is feed the body what it needs. I am not a doctor and do not make an attempt to diagnose or treat any medical condition. I am a man who has read numerous articles, researched, and just applied logic to the situation.

Cancer needs 3 things low oxygen environment, low pH or acidic environment, and a body deficient in vitamins and minerals. In the standard American high sugar low veggie diet all three of these lead to the epidemic rate of cancer growth and varying types of cancers. People tend to breathe very shallow and when they exercise to the point that they are winded for extended periods of time they oxygenate the body, which kills harmful bacteria and cancer. Bacteria and cancer are not able to survive in oxygen rich environments that people who are on a regular fitness regimen produce. This was discovered and proven by Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Laureate who states that depriving a cell from oxygen for 48 hours leads to it becoming cancerous.

Foods that are ingested into the body determine the environment of it. Particularly acidic foods like citrus fruit are good and actually cleanse, but dairy (eliminate), meat (minimize), bread (minimize), and sugar (virtually eliminate) create a low pH or acidic body. Change what you are eating from the processed and fat foods to home cooked, raw, as organic as possible, and non gmo foods. Take in as many salads, fruits, berries, nuts, and vegetables as you can stand, then have some more.

Nutrient deficiency is the core of many maldadies and to rebuild and strengthen yourself to become the Better You fortify your body with good material. Consider that if you use inferior brick to build a house do you expect it to weather a storm? When you see someone in the grocery store getting a 12 pack of diet soda, bag of chips, and cookies what does their body/house look like? Take the Challenge to better yourself and build your house out of good material. Revitalize yourself with a continued nutritional vitamin and mineral packed lifestyle and fitness regimen.

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


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Green Machine for Health

ChlorophylAt the heart of healthy living is a lifestyle with green vegatables and fruit at the core. In particular it is the chlorophyl in leafy vegatables that provide the color and holds the cleansing aspects for purity and nutritional development. Becoming a vegatarian is not the intent, but decreasing the meat intake will bring an immense balance in body health.

Embarking on a challenge and providing the nutrient base that will allow the body begin to cleanse and to rebuild with the necessary vitamins and minerals, along with consistent intake of green leafy vegatables  will encourage the body to remove what is flowing through your veins while the cleanse is doing its work on the digestive system.

Science has determined that cancer hates oxygen and a fitness regimen increases oxygen intake and blood flow. The chlorophyl from something like a wheat grass shot will provide some more for the cleanup and health benefits and incorprating supplements to round out the nutrition will work for the goal to be the Better You.

Put what is good for you into you!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


Healthy Throughout Every Part

Blood sample health-unhealthyBeing healthy goes even deeper than the accumulated bulges around the body, deeper than damaged organs like the liver and pancreas down to the blood that courses through our veins. Eating vegatables to provide the necessary nutrients, exercising to burn up calories and detoxify the body, and supplementing to ensure both work at optimal efficiency are the 3 activities that will ensure the best health.

As noted in this blog muscle takes up less space in our bodies than does fat, but fat goes deeper than just what is amassed.

losing INCHES is losing WEIGHT

These blood samples are from 2 not obese people, so even if you have a “normal” bmi think deeper. One is from an unhealthy person (left), while the other is from a healthy person (right). Stare at them, which one is coursing through you?

Health comes down to taking in good vegtables, fruits, probiotics, and exercising regularly to sweat out toxins. Challenge yourself to be healthy!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


Win Through Success

11206_523390351075905_553768667_nBelieve it or not there are people in your life that get pleasure out of you not achieving your goals. The best way to expose and even remove these people is to achieve your goals.

Jealousy and laziness is the source is this persons discontent. When you show the confidence to take a 24-Day Challenge that they do not have it eats away at their insides. When you show the discipline to get stick your workout plan that they do not have it makes them feel small. You are the textbook definition of inspiration and you do this because you know it will make a better future for you and to show that you can accomplish what you set your mind to.

Controlling the reactions of others is beyond what anyone can do, but to support and inspire those who are tired of what they have, are depressed by their current situation, and those who need to see someone accomplish a goal in order to put their own mind towards it. That is what we all can do and that will overcome enemies and bring forth friends and supporters.

Get out there and create the Better You!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


The Power of Healthy Food

946646_207220339401941_297189306_nYou are what you eat. Eat crap and you get cancer, diabetes, auto immune disease, premature aging, fatigue, and/or just fat. Eat your veggies, you get benefits and defense against all of these maladies and more.

This is just the benefits of broccoli, which is in the same family as cabbage and cauliflower, the power is magnified with other vegatables when in a salad. Add fruit for your bonus and supplements for even more healthy material to rebuild the Better You.

For years your body is/has been ravaged by toxins and poisons from food and air.  To relieve yourself of their side effects it is simple eat nutrtious food and exercise. All it takes is the desire to want the Better You more than the convenience of junk foods and being lazy.

Make the decision to change your life, change your family, change your situation! One person has a profound affect on everything that they come in contact with. Your choice will inspire family, friends, co-workers, relatives, and even strangers across the world. Begin the wave today to start or accelerate the path to the Better You!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


Its All in the Mind

67603_207306629393312_998031897_nAttitude is the heart and sould of everything that is accomplished, in particular a “can do” attitude. Everything originates in the mind and you have the power to control it. If you have a bad attitude it is because you choose to have it.

Change your attitude on your ability to succeed and you will find that you do. Nothing can be accomplished until you believe that it can, that is how you will move forward. People often tell one another an outcome of an idea or task without attempting it or based off their previous unsuccessful experience. This is done so often that before someone else tells us we tell ourselves, creating a lack of confidence and a negative attitude. You can change this and attain your goals!

The prevailing attitude towards health is that it must be arduous and taxing, mainly due to the acquired habits and laziness. You can change habits and you can be proactive. Through positive thinking and attitude we change our mentality. Through taking in healthy food and supplements we change our bodies. Through working for the goal not only can we change our health and fitness, we can change our financial futures. Move your journey forward!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


Get Out and Do It

73525_207350236055618_874014131_nPeople have become so used to being in an unhappy, unhealthy, and unmotivated state that they would rather talk about and daydream of a change than actually make one in their lives. It is impossible to make change doing the same actions.

To be who you dream of being you have to make changes and the first one is to stop dreaming and start doing. Identify what the target is, find out what you want to accomplish in yourself. There is not a map that can take you anywhere without first knowing where you desire to go. Next, what do you need to change, start with your mentality. Most people take themselves out of the game before it even starts. EVERYONE knows exactly what is holding them back and they know what they need to stop or start doing. Number one, stop being the person that is not willing to get what they desire.

Continuing to do what you are doing is getting you exactly what you have. As of right now I give you permission to not remain that person! You have my permission to become the Better You! Map out the trail!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health



IMG_131640This post will be a little off the normal motivation, I have finally gotten a blender, juicer, extractor, food processor, and dough maker in the Ninja Kitchen System Pulse!!!

The need for a blender has been high on the list for a while and I am not one to go all willy nilly without weighing the options and specs. The Ninja has been all the rage for a while, has not been obliterated by the critics and recommendations of friends that have one said it was a solid choice. Then when considering the amenities that came with it particularly that single serve cups blend right on the machine, that was the best bonus for me. The Nutri Bullet was a final contender, but it was not as versatile so that is what bumped it off.

IMG_134313It is so relieving to be able to properly mix my shakes, make smoothies, and have minimal clean up. My first concoction is a wheat grass, apple, and grape smoothie with coconut milk and a few ice cubes. It tastes good, although when they recommend straining the grass instead of just cutting it up into small pieces you should do that. The drink came out a bit chewy, not necessarily bad tasting though. If you are not hardcore it will definitely take away from the overall enjoyment.

This is a step to better nutrition and every step towards better health is a step on the path to the Better You. Lets map out the path and walk together!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


Courage Through Fear

555461_527462277335379_500406056_nFear exists through our imagination of what may occur, not what actually happens. Our imaginations must be tamed and focused on the vision that will be. It takes courage to make that a reality.

Fear is a liar and only exists in your imagination, when you find the strength go forth and strive that is courage. Only through finding this courage in the little things then on to bigger things of life that mastery is achieved. Every level that is opened up brings uncertainties and these are what permits the imagination to create what a person calls fear and it does not become absent. The courage that your develop along the way will give you calm in the face of uncertainty.

Every arena is either new or trodded ground and your vision of the outcome will determine your success. Only allow your imagination to create the image of your success and you will have the courage to take the steps to fulfillment Courage will make you feel better, look better, perform better, which all make up your body through nutrition and fitness to be the Better You! Begin your path!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


The Best Doctor and Medicine

1006362_10202111054521558_852089367_nDoctors go to school for almost a decade and must continually study to remain proficient in their profession. They prescribe medications, set and manipulate bones, and conduct surgeries. However, NOTHING in the world will do better than what comes naturally.

Water is the key resource of our bodies and next to mother’s milk when you were a baby nothing will do more for you. Be sure to get half you body weight in ounces per day. If you weigh 200 lbs, drink 100 oz of water or 5 20oz bottles, start as soon as you wake up. Get some nice reverse osmosis water is the recommendation.

Exercise is the best way to stay limber and maintain health. Burning the ingested calories is what makes the healthy balance possible, through sweating out toxins and using up the accumulated calories.

Sunshine allows the body to create vitamin D which is essential for the immune system to optimally function. Bare some skin and walk in the sunlight for 30-60 minutes each day. The more skin shown the faster and more is produced. The body discards excess so this needs to be done each day.

Fresh air carries the clean oxygen that we need to live well and oxygenation of the body kills harmful bacteria. Deep breathing maximizes the amount available so take in as much as you can and breathe out as much as you can also.

Good diet ensures the body has all of the nutrients that it needs to rebuild and cleanse from the daily environment. Modern food is not nutrient dense enough so be sure to work in supplements that you need to round out the requirements.

Rest is the most sacrificed commodity in our lives. When you rest the body becomes most active in rebuilding and cleaning up. Sleeping is when the brain is actually reinforcing new connections and removing cell waste and muscles are growing.

In essence the best doctor is yourself, as long as you give it the tools it will not need to see the next best. Give your body the necessary materials and it will remain strong and sturdy. Rebuild yourself into the Better You!

Clifford Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health
