Pills for the Pain

pills for the painBefore popping the next pain pill consider what it will do to you aside from pain cessation. In a new study of women taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 3/4ths of the participants did not ovlulate. While the entire control group had no problems in that department. Knowing the risks can save vast amounts of time energy and pain.


Musculoskeletal pain or rheumatism is pain specifically in the the joints or connective tissue areas of the body. After a good workout lactic acid build up, combined with muscle strain, are behind much of the soreness that a person feels. Although, many have soreness without doing any activity which Dr. William Davis, in his book Wheat Belly, attributes much to the modern grains that people eat. Through eliminating them and creating a nutritious lifestyle including probiotics and supplements to round out food breakdown and nutrient absorbtion will have a significant affect on this type of pain.

Getting the nutrients that the body needs allows it to rebuild with the best materials. Any good workout will have soreness and stiffness, simply due to activity and muscle development. Taking pre and post workout supplements along with a responsible dietary lifestyle will maximize nutrient absorbtion and minimizing the soreness. Now I am no doctor and not able to treat or diagnose anything, so consult a licensed professional. The professionals at the Science and Advisory Board of AdvoCare have over 250 years of combined experience and their efforts ensure safety and effectiveness. Their products are used by champions in the sports arena, who have the best professionals heading and assisting their supplements trusting AdvoCare products.

sci-med boardTake strong consideration of what is going into your body because the old adage stands true, you are what you eat. Eat the best and the best for you to become the Better You.

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health

Never to Late


never to lateThe best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now. – Chinese proverb

Had everyone done exactly what they know they should regarding their health all would be copasetic. A change is evident and it comes down to when will you choose to become the Better You? Never is the worst time, yesterday is when it should have began, and now may be late, but it is always better than tomorrow. Just move from never to late.

Being healthy is a race that the time of accomplishment is somewhat flexible, although, since most of us are impatient we want it done sooner than as soon as possible. Choosing a timeframe will provide motivation and a framework to measure out the markers on the path. Without one it is a constant struggle of starts and stops. It must be one that is reasonable and specific. To say spring when it is summer is reasonable, however is it beginning, middle, or end of spring? There must be a date. It takes roughly 21 days to form a new habit and it is best to replace an old habit with a new one instead of just stopping something. Replace that sugary drink with a Spark, replace the cheeseburger with 2 apples, replace sitting in from of the television for a half hour with a half hour walk. Being reasonable about it is all that it takes. Over time the changes will add up, continuing to do start tomorrow ensures that it will never happen, while doing it now means that it is late since it should have began yesterday.24-Day-Challenge-Slide

Take the next 24 days to challenge yourself to start the journey. It should have began years ago and it may have even been a start/stop process up until now, but there must be a point at which it all changes and that point is right now, it is late, but not never. Always remember that is it never too late to become the Better You.

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health

Take the Reins

1391695_10152310111853696_1434208032_nLife is about choices and control. About 80% of daily actions are beyond anyone’s control, but the 20% is the critical mass. Take control of it to rise up for what is best for your success. You know the results that you desire and have planned what needs to be done. Take the reins, it is your responsibility to become the Better You!

The simplicity of choice so amazingly easy it is deceptive, the part that most fail at is the follow up action. Choosing to sit and complain or simply talk about an idea, like a social justice whiner, does nothing but exacerbate the issue. That is basically choosing to do nothing. The only discussing that needs to be done is with an experienced partner, friend, trainer, or coach to determine the plan for success. That is action because

“Failing to plan, is planning to fail.” -Alan Lakein

Write down what is to be done, this makes it real and tangible. With the plan of action in hand it is just a matter of time and effort. There will be those events that come up, rain, car problems, soreness, that are beyond control and working the plan despite any of these is what must be done. Using stickitivity with the plan will only make the results certain. Stand up to any distraction!

Act wslamith the end in mind and know the results that make up the dream. It must be seen in the mind before it can be seen anywhere else, that is vision. Only you can see the goal, write it down and make it specific so you know that . Everyone else has the sight of you taking responsibility, building discipline, and controlling results.

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health


stickitivityOnly through consistent application of a program will benefits be achieved. Gains are accomoplished in small increments over time, especially, in the beginning and it is when looking back that the greatness through persistence is recognized.

Power will determine the intensity of a workout, too much can even cause damage, but without the sticking to the activity day after day  creating stickitivity in action time is just wasted. Sure it feels great for a day and one could even pat themselves on the back for doing it. The results and the ultimate goal will still be elusive without stickitivity.

Bruce Lee always used the analogy of being like water, to take up the form of whatever we were put into.


Bruce Lee: Be like water (Inspirational)

performance eliteBy being like a river of water chipping away at a rock a little at a time, day after day, night after night, until the time that your path is wide and your flow strong. Find what will motivate the dream each day, that is the persistence that will create the Better You!

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health

Calories Lie to You

Calories Lie to YouCalorie is a calorie right? The number of calories in an item of food is the oppressor for all who wish to be healthy. The fact of the matter is that even looking at a 2000 calorie diet, 2000 calories of donuts is not the same as 2000 calories of spinach. How is that even determined? Here is a quick explanation.

How do food manufacturers calculate the calorie count of packaged foods? – Scientific American

According to science the number of calories is determined by burning it and measuring how much heat it took to consume it completely. However, that is not how the body does it, so what is with that standard? What needs to be looked at is metabolizing food. Simply put the body breaks food down to nutrients (building blocks), protiens (building blocks and energy), glucose (energy) and lipids (energy storage) from there they are sorted for their particular function. Therefore metabolizing should be the measure of a food.

Dr. Mike – The Fallacy of The Calorie and Dr Libby – Nutritional Biochemist

advocare coreIn the end the types of foods are more important than the calorie count. Focus on what you eat and what it will become for the body. Donuts will not become muscle building nutrient packed spinach. Furthermore, focusing on the food is still half the battle since even the food does not have enough of what is necessary to sustain the body. Supplmentation is critical to ensure complete nutrition. There are few truer statements than, “You are what you eat.” Eat what will make the Better You!

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health

Breaking Down the Breakdown

breaking down the breakdownThe reason that we eat is to gather the proteins and nutrients to build and rebuild the body as well as provide energy to do the day to day activities of our little corners of the world. This heavy lifting is done by the digestive system in particular the small and large intestines, collectively “the gut”.



Inside our guts there are about 5 lbs of flora or microbiota that aid and conduct the breakdown of food after being chewed in the mouth and dissolved in the stomach. There are about 5 TRILLION different bacteria and microorganisms that do this for us, in a mostly symbiotic or pathgenic capacity, although there is an imbalance when there is a high sugar intake. Due to junk/fast/fat food lifestyle, poor farming habits, and aging, this environment and its efficiency declines, resulting in lowered nutrient absorbtion and indigestion. The impact on overall health is that without the necessary nutrient production organ function diminishes, breaking down the system bringing dis-ease and dis-order.

Auto-immune disorders have a specific connection with this since 80% of our immune system is in the gut. Some venture to say that break down is a connected to the pesticides used on food blocking key enzymes or the genetic modification of plants and have gone so far as to bring legal action, which is being overlooked in reporting circles.

Monsanto Class Action Lawsuit


What is adigest ease critical puzzle piece in re-establishing health? Probiotics! Restoring what is lost is the first step in bringing back the balance to ensure the Better You. Abderahmaneh has an excellent post on this.

Why Probiotics Are Not Merely Digestion Propellant | abderahmaneh

Eating clean-raw veggies and exercising round out this out to realign full body health. Nothing will change overnight, the damage was not caused overnight either. The change begins with the first step of calling in the reinforcements in the form of a supplement then expanding into a whole body action plan. Take the challenge to become the Better You!

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health

Popeye Was Right

veggie protienWhen people consider protein the first thing that comes to mind is a big steak. One of those Texas ribeyes sizzling and thick grizzle on the side, marbled throughout, with just a little pink in the center. However, what happens when the fact that spinach has more protein than steak is discovered? Popeye was right.


Of the top 10 vegetable proteins 6 beat out steak! The number 1 being the secret to Popeye’s strength, SPINACH! Now the caveat is that it takes 1lb of it to get 13g. It may sound like a large amount but not when it is in a smoothie or broken into a few meals. It all comes down to getting healthy, start the day with a green smoothie with as much spinach as will fit with some apple, pineapple, or banana to make it sweeter. Another for lunch with a trusted supplement routine of a meal replacement shake and 6 oz steak dinner with raw veggies and a whole days worth of vitamins and minerals will make the the Better You as fit as a fiddle.

mnsProtein deficiency is often overlooked, since people and media tend to focus on one vitamin, mineral, or nutrient.


Health is an interconnected network of protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and micronutrients that are required daily and the modern farming system just does not allow food to cover. Get what you can from your foods (as close to the grower as possible) and supplement to round it out to bring the Better You to their prime. Overall…be like Popeye.

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health

Pain Principle

Life StrongerWe are emotional creatures and make day to day decisions based on how we feel. In life though people make real changes when the status quo causes pain, like after a physical trauma, emotional trauma, or potential distress. Occassionally, there are changes due to pleasure, but they are VERY few and far between. It does not have to be that way though, the pain principle can be overcome, it just takes accepting the challenge to become the Better You.

After a physical trauma like the pain of cancer diagnosis, heart attack, or diabetes determination a change is demanded or death is the result. There is a well established outline of what will cause all of these maladies and it is what is put into the body, junk food, fat food, no exercise, and lack of nutrition will guarantee the result. It does not get easier to turn away from items and actions, but the ability to say “no” gets stronger.

When emotional trauma from the pain of teasing, eating disorders, or physical comparisons mount to the point of creating a bad personal image the result is a continuous internal and often invisible grating. Most cases it is subtle, but definite to you. It takes discipline to recreate the body image and support to maintain accomplishments, getting stronger than the words and pictures.

Then there is potential distress from the pain of what may or may not come, the possible diagnosis if habits do not change, the possible anguish of what some may say or do, and the little hater voice in the mind that inspires doubt. These are the best to have to deal with because the results have not come to fruition. All it takes is turning obstacles and habits around to establish a pleasure principle instead the pain that comes with inaction.

spark99With all this keep in mind that the pain does not necessarily go away. There are echoes of it from that little voice in the back of the mind, but as you become the Better You, you just get stronger and move past obstacles and those people that said you could not do it. Get STRONGER! Be the Better You!

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health

Chains or Discipline

1006036_207386982718610_639130774_nThere is more than one way to skin a cat, but some ways are better than others. A friend that has been exercising and (inconsistently) and getting the high quality supplements through Advocare sat down with a doctor about weightloss surgery. This person is terrified by the idea of being operated on, informed their father and he cried real man tears, and would have to go into considerable debt to accomplish the procedure. Thereby adding chains of mental anguish, family disapproval, and debt slavery in a situation that discipline would edify mentally, instill family pride in accomplishment, and could benefit financially through inspiration.

Now, just so it is said elective surgery is a personal choice and as long as someone is thoroughly informed on the potential risks, restrictions, and costs-benefits of it, then makes the best decision in the matter, rock on either way. Consider this, that the diet restriction for the procedure is more arduous than the supplement regiment and if the current regiment is difficult imagine what the chains of the alternative are if it can KILL you by not sticking to it. As an adult child a parent can do little, but if a parent does disagree on a long term descision think about what family events will be like with that splinter in the mind, snide comments, passive agressive actions, and general disdain. Financial stress is destroying all that the average person does and adding the chains of another bill, with interest, will only lower the quality of life. Every situation is different since there are people that do not have these particular complications, other procedural options, family support, or financial surplus.

Advocare-24-Day-Challenge-ReviewsDiscipline brings a whole different mindset, one that addes a greater value to life and reverberates in all endeavors from there forward. Sure it is not easy mentally, but it is not difficult at the same time, just a matter of replacing old habits and/or make new one. There is no anxiety in the end and a resilience beaming with confidence in what a person can accomplish. Family and friends see the example, often promote the success and get inspired to follow suit (especially in a health circumstance). When someone can stay out of debt it is always a blessing further that with the opportunity of financial gain it really becomes a no brainer. Through discipline the Better You is edifying, inspiring, and foundationally golden.

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health

Get’em in You

Vitamins-supplements-411It is my humble undoctorated opinion that everything comes down to lack of nutrients in regards to health. When the body is lacking in nutrients things got awry, for example people get lethargic, get sick, get diabetes, or get cancer.

Take for example type II diabetes, when people exercise, eat right, and take supplements it magically goes away. This is due to the elimination of toxins through sweat and burning up stored calories (fat) that have inhibited the proper functioning of organs.

To maximize the purity and maintain health a proper diet of vegetables and nutrients is critical. The roughage keeps the intestines clean to get the best nutrient absorbtion. The supplements provide the building block for the cells to assimilate protiens and the necessary vitamins and minerals.


At the root of these diseases is thebio tune lack of protein assimilation which is connected to the vitamins and nutrients that the body needs for its operation. Get what the body needs in you to achieve and maintain healthy performance. It is not difficult and quality will run you more than a value meal at McD’s. Just think about the experiences that a healthy, long living adult will have over an obese one. Also, know that when age does come upon you that you will still be able to hold your bladder. Be the Better You.

Clifford T Mitchem
Advocare Distributor
Nutrition + Fitness = Health